Our Blog
The Breakthrough Mediation blog serves to engage our clients, the legal community and the public in a discussion about alternative dispute resolution. As leaders in mediation, arbitration and more, we strive to remain at the forefront of legal developments, trends and news in areas of law that pertain to ADR.
7 Cheap Florida CLE Opportunities
Just because you have left the classroom behind, does not mean that your education is over. Far from! Whether you are embarking on your first days on the job or you are a veteran with decades of experience, continuing legal education is essential. Not only does...
6 Advantages of Alternative Dispute Resolution
The fact of the matter is that the majority of legal disputes are resolved before going to trial. The process by which these conclusions arise is called ADR, or alternative dispute resolution. ADR is commonly practiced in every state and usually ordered by the court – with good reason. Read on to learn…
Binding vs. Non-Binding Arbitration: What’s the Difference?
Conflicts are a part of life. However, when conflicts are legal and often sensitive in nature, arbitration is a tool that becomes available to resolve them. The process of arbitration is very similar to a trial in that the legal representatives of both parties make...
15 Negotiating Tips and Tricks to Use in Mediation
When disputes or conflicts develop, clients often are encouraged to enter into mediation. Unfortunately, some lawyers do not have a sound strategy for mediation and often this results in a less favorable outcome for his or her client. To obtain positive outcomes for...
Trial vs. Mediation: What’s Better for Your Client?
You have heard the expression, “When you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail”? In other words, you have one tool, and you’ll use it for any job. Unfortunately, this often applies when it comes to resolving disputes. The difference between trial and...
Mediation Styles: Which Is Best for Your Dispute?
What kind of mediation style is best for your dispute - and which will help pave the road for a reasonable resolution? Many people are not aware or have incomplete knowledge of different mediation styles. Mediation is not one-size-fits-all. Knowing about different...