David Horvath, Esq.
After 45 years of practicing law in Palm Beach County, David Horvath retired at the end of 1999 and became a full time mediator. David Horvath was certified as a Circuit Civil mediator In 1991 and has mediated over 1500 cases. During his years as an attorney his areas of practice included civil litigation, commercial transactions, real estate closings, probate and banking law. Mr. Horvath also served as in-house counsel and general counsel for financial institutions.
Mr. Horvath served on a number of Palm Beach County Bar Association committees, including the Alternative Dispute Resolution committee. He is a member of the Florida Academy of Certified Mediators and has also been a member of the Kiwanis Club of Riviera Beach for 40 years having served a President and a member of the Board of Directors.
Mr. Horvath is a graduate of Bowling Green University ( B.S. 1971 ) and Duke University School of Law ( J.D. 1974 )
Please note that there are two mediators in the State of Florida named David Horvath. Please confirm that you are looking for Mr. David Horvath associated with us here at Breakthrough Mediation prior to making an appointment request.
Our staff will contact you on receipt of your Appointment Request form.
Minimum Fees:
- Half-Day: 2 Hour minimum
- Full Day: 6 Hour minimum
- We charge a $50 administrative fee Per Party
Cancellation Policy:
Mediations or arbitrations cancelled more than 14 days in advance incur no cancellation fee. Due to the difficulty of scheduling on short notice, appointments cancelled less than 14 days in advance incur the minimum charge above. We will work hard to fill that time, however, and if another mediation is scheduled, then you will not be charged. We encourage the parties to use the reserved time for another matter.
Due to the convenience and efficiency of Zoom, all in-person mediations are assessed a travel fee (portal to portal) charged at 50% of the hourly rate. Please confirm in person appointments with our office before scheduling (we will place a hold) so that we can confirm that the Neutral is available to travel that day.