Peace has a Value
Comprehensive Florida
Mediation & Arbitration Services
Our Mediation Professionals
Mark A. Greenberg
Timothy McCarthy
Ryan Copple, Esq.
Conflict Resolution Solutions
Breakthrough Mediation serves our clients with comprehensive South Florida Mediation and Arbitration services in a variety of legal disciplines. Explore some of the ways that we can help you find an equitable solution for your mediation needs today!
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6 Advantages of Alternative Dispute Resolution
The fact of the matter is that the majority of legal disputes are resolved before going to trial. The process by which these conclusions arise is called ADR, or alternative dispute resolution. ADR is commonly practiced in every state and usually ordered by the court – with good reason. Read on to learn…
15 Negotiating Tips and Tricks to Use in Mediation
When disputes or conflicts develop, clients often are encouraged to enter into mediation. Unfortunately, some lawyers do not have a sound strategy for mediation and often this results in a less favorable outcome for his or her client. To obtain positive outcomes for...
Trial vs. Mediation: What’s Better for Your Client?
You have heard the expression, “When you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail”? In other words, you have one tool, and you’ll use it for any job. Unfortunately, this often applies when it comes to resolving disputes. The difference between trial and...