Peace has a Value
Comprehensive Florida
Mediation & Arbitration Services
Our Mediation Professionals
Mark A. Greenberg
Ryan Copple, Esq.
David Horvath, Esq.
Conflict Resolution Solutions
Breakthrough Mediation serves our clients with comprehensive South Florida Mediation and Arbitration services in a variety of legal disciplines. Explore some of the ways that we can help you find an equitable solution for your mediation needs today!
Simple & Effective Video Mediation
Explore our Resources
Secrets of Mediation: Part 1
Our number one goal in mediation is for both sides to feel like they came away from the experience with a positive outcome. Sometimes that can mean adapting a mediation to one client's personality type. There are a few things that we wish all of our clients knew, and...
Why Peace Has a Value: Part 2, Peace from Mediation
Peace From Mediation Welcome to Part Two of Why We Like to Say that "Peace Has a Value" Let's start this post by circling back on what mediation really is. A great definition has some context. So here's a definition we like: "Mediation is a structured, interactive...
Why Peace Has a Value: Part 1 of 2
We like to say "Peace Has a Value". Here's Why: Twelve years ago, I went through a divorce, and we had to use three mediations to get that settled. The reason is: we had the wrong mediator for the first two mediations. Finally, for the third one, we brought the right...